Friday 9 June 2017

Our Trip to the Marae

Last week we went on a trip to the Araiteuru Marae. Some of our favourites things were....

Making the stars - Lotta

Eating the biscuits - Reagan

Looking at the carvings on the wall - Amy

Listening to the song about the bird - Lewis

Eating the cabbage from the cabbage tree - Mira

Doing all the activities - Thomas

When the lady talked to us about the carvings and the picture of the old Marae - Stanley

Eating lunch - Guy

Having fun - Harper

Going on the bus - Carter + Austin

Saying my mihi - Nikolei

Making the stars - Ziggy

Singing - Aydin

Making the stars out of flax - Charlotte

Thank you to all the parents who came along and helped. We hope you enjoyed your day as much as we did!

1 comment:

  1. It was a great trip, thank you so much for organizing it. For me it was an amazing experience. I will try my best to remember my mihi for next time by heart, but thank your very much to Lotta for helping me :-)
